
2010-07-17 Old Cypress

Lots of fun today. My friend Ana and I took a bit of a road trip, killing two items from our mutual "must-do" do list.

First, we went to the movies. No, not that exciting, I know. But this theatre lets you order full lunch or dinner and eat it in the movie theatre! Yippee! We shared a bunch of dishes and carried them into the theatre on our little trays and just pigged out while watching "Grownups" with Adam Sandler. Loved the experience. Gotta go back soon!

Then, we did the really fun thing we wanted to do...we both are fans of photographer Clyde Butcher. He is a renowned large-format photographer, famous for his images of the West and of the Everglades. He literally has a darkroom that is as big as my house. What he does is amazing. His original gallery is in the Everglades and has three small rooms of his photos. We just lingered over the prints, talking about what we liked about each one. Ana chose one of her favorite signed reproductions and purchased it.

One of the best things about visiting the gallery is taking the 10 minute nature walk in the back of the gallery property. I took a load of pictures of this cypress swamp, and really enjoyed seeing it. This is very typical of the Everglades.
7/17 Old Cypress

Here's the whole slideshow with comments...just a couple of notes:
-- the little things sticking up in the picture above here are called "cypress knees." this is how the tree grows.
--there's a big hanging fern in one of the first few pictures. this is a staghorn fern. they can weigh hundreds of pounds. my friend is standing next to is for scale.
--we loved all the noises of the swamp. you can actually hear frogs and birds and alligators grunting out there.
--we're looking foward to attending Clyde's annual swamp walk on Labor Day. check it out on his site!

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