
2010-07-14 Tasty Water

I don't care for water. Much like the scene in Baby Mama (after the ad), where Amy Poehler takes a sip from glass handed to her by Tina Fey, and spits it out, I often feel like yelling, "What is this? It's horrible!"

But these little packets of lemon, lime and orange flavor make choking it down just a little bit easier.
7/14 Tasty Water

I know that the Coca-Cola corporation and other mega-brands have ruined my taste buds for all time, but I guess I have to drink water, so a little flavor makes it easier. Just look the other way, while I add a packet of crystals to my water when we go out to eat together. And then, let's awkwardly resume our conversation about whether Darth Vader could beat Magneto.


  1. i find it so interesting that some people don't like water. i heard someone once say it was the consistency for them (which i'd never considered). do you find water from different regions or countries to taste any better?

  2. If the water is super-cold, then I can drink it straight. So I use a ton of ice and it goes down nicely. I dont differentiate water in different countries...I think I've just gotten my palate used to drinking something with a flavor in it.

    So, who would win? Darth Vader or Mageneto?

  3. Sadly, I did consider this for quite some time. I'm going to have to go with Vader because he does have the power of the dark side of the force behind him which I believe would trump a giant man magnet. But you know who could probably beat Vader? Charles Xavier.

  4. What if Darth Vader's helmet is made of metal? Couldn't he crush Vader's head?

  5. Maybe if Vader was asleep?
