
2010-06-18 Country Girl

I did most of my formative growin' up in what most people would consider the country. It was an agricultural area focused on growing cattle, sugar cane, vegetables and citrus. Most people are surprised by this...especially around here. When I say where I grew up, most exclaim their disbelief.

I don't know what that means. I don't know if people are surprised by my lack of accent, or if its an assumption that I should be more "ig-nernt." I guess the reaction changes from person to person based on their own biases.

But even though it was boring as hell to live there, it has its beauty.

Fields growing...cows grazing...
6/18 Country Girl

Places like this still exist...

...and if you live in a big city and still have enclaves of mom and pop stores, well...the small town is going the same was as the rest of America. Chain stores and fast food are signs of "progress" for residents of places where there are limited resources. We used to easily drive an hour and a half to a city just to buy personal items you couldn't get in town. Sometimes I think of how much these towns have changed, as I drive through them, but realize some things are exactly the same. The restaurants are new, but the kids hanging out at the parking lot are the same. As they say in France..."Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose."

PS. I stole these photos from the 19th. My 18th pics weren't worth much and I had tons from the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. These are great shots! Those cows have it good.
