
2010-06-17 Pain in the Basket

I hate laundry. This basket lives in my room, filled with various levels of clothing waiting to be put away.

It's a constant pain to me...not so much the actual doing of the laundry, but putting it away is such a pain to me. I think it comes from having gone so many years without a washer-dryer. My friend and I used to store up giant bags of laundry for a weekly trip to a local laundromat, where we would enjoy some dinner from the Chinese place next door while seated in plastic booths, watching our clothes go round and round.

If we were lucky we got out of there in about 2 or 3 hours. But we had companionship, at least. A good friend to talk to over the dryer sheets.

But now, it's been a long time, and I've had a washer-dryer for the last 10 years and i still cannot get away from the need to do laundry when I've exhausted all my clothes and am left with the largest laundry pile ever seen. And therefore, putting away the clothes becomes a HUGE hassle of looking for empty hangers and locating a spot in my closet. My closet is, admittedly, huge. My first bedroom in NJ was almost this size. But its still packed. I've been trying to thin out the mess for a looooong time, but every once in a while I fill a green garden bag with clothes for goodwill and my closet still looks like a little store.

I also think my annoyance with putting clothes away has to do with the fact that each time I see my clothes I am reminded that I probably wouldn't dress like I do if I were thinner. I'd have so many more options for stores, etc, if I could/would lose weight. Putting my clothes away is another reminder that I have to keep and wear these clothes I don't love.

Ugh. It's a long post, but who knew a little laundry could bum a person out. Well it can...even if it smells delicious.

1 comment:

  1. I feel tired just thinking about having to lug our laundry to the laundromat back in the day! Ugh. But it built character right? Ha!
