
2010-06-19 Young Love

Oh, love...

Oh, to be young and attractive and have your whole life ahead of you...

Don't they look happy? That's my nephew and his fiance at their couples wedding shower, receiving a gift from yours truly. I got a peek at the bride's dress and they're going to be absolutely glowing on their big day next month. Now I gotta get out there and find a dress, so I'll be glowing, too...in an aunt-ish way, of course.


  1. i forbid this union as this is an excessive concentration of good looks in one couple. they need to spread that around. maybe someone needs to go with lyle lovett.

  2. I know...there ought to be a law, right? I can't believe one-half of this couple is from my gene pool! I feel like that lady who played the Wicked Witch of the West in WofOz standing next to them.

  3. at least you're the original owner of those ruby red shoes! (and ps maybe a tan would help that green complexion?)
