
2010-01-10 Goin' Shootin'

I convinced my friend Shirley to come out to the park despite the c-c-cold Florida temps, and do some picture-taking with me. She took the same class as me last summer so we're both working on our skillz.

I tried to do some homework for my class. I was handed a baggie with 2 pieces of palm frond, 2 rubber bands and 3 paper clips. Using these objects, I should take pictures and bring in what I thought were my 5 best.

Here's my homework:

We did all kinds of weird stuff with the homework items. I guess this is my "photo of the day" -- I just liked it. I think if it had'nt been so cold and if I could have stopped the leaf from trying to escape into the middle of the pond, I could have worked the light and shadow a bit, but man, it's hard to figure out what to do with a rubber band. I have a few other shots and plan another round of shooting tomorrow, so on Wednesday, I'll post the 5 selections I made to bring to class.

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