
2010-09-09 What's Your F-Stop?

Ugh. I did not know I was going to have to do math in photography class!

Well, its not so much math, but it's definitely numbers. In my class, one of the most confusing concepts is that the lower your F-stop, the wider your aperture. And you always have to remember the right wording. To "increase" your aperture, you lower the number. I don't like this -- whomever made up this system is making my brain boil.

Then, the higher your shutter speed number, the faster the lens will open and close. OK. Normal. That makes sense.

Now combine the two. When adjusting for light conditions, use this handy-dandy guide to determine how to set your F-stop and shutter speed, and...ugh, I fell over.


  1. this is why i don't take photography classes. i just gamble on the shots and live with what i end up with. though, it's pretty cool all the stuff you're learning. maybe i can take a watered down version from you.

  2. See, I did feel like that, but I've had to take like three classes just to get some of these things cemented in my mind. I'm not a good thinker when it comes to abstraction. I try to hard to make the calculations, but at the end of the day, my camera tells me when I'm over or under exposed, and I just use that as a starting point. I'm going to take his class again in the Spring.
