
2010-07-08 Finances

This is Stephen. He is my financial advisor. He is also my friend of about 20 years. We heart him.

We heart him because he makes me make smart choices that are in my best financial interest. He knows that my goal is to not be a poor, sick old woman. Rather, I wish to have a Golden Girls-style compound with a few of my friends, where I will play the Bea Arthur character and wear flowing clothes to hide my aging belly, and make quips about my mother and my roommates.

We had a meeting today and established a bunch of short term goals that I need to work on in the next year. It feels good to make decisions and then actually set to work on them. Planning is good. I recommend everyone have a Stephen in their life. It doesn't matter how much money you have...it's about how much you want to have. Get one.


  1. Stephen is so totally the financial planning Stanley Tucci!

  2. So funny -- but yeah I see the resemblance!

  3. How hard was he trying not to laugh as you took his picture? lol

  4. Yeah, he was kind of wondering what the hell I was doing! But he's a good sport! : )
