
2010-06-08 Vegans, Take One Step Back

I signed up to purchase 1/24th of a cow last month! And now I have brought it home...

In pieces.

A friend of mine found out about a local cattle farmer who only raises grass-fed organic beef, pork and poultry on his land near Bradenton. Three of us decided to go in on 1/8th and split up all the cuts of beef, for only about $60 apiece. I ended up with like 20lbs of meat!

So far, I made burgers out of these ground and it was delightfully tasty with little fat coming off the meat. I would totally do this again. And maybe next time I could do half of a portion and get a few more cuts of meat. I also want to try their pork and chickens.


  1. When I was growing up, my parents would go half in on a pig with another couple. The smell in the house would linger in the house for days. I think it's part of the reason I don't like pork. Ugh.

  2. I don't understand...what were they doing with the pig in the house?

  3. They didn't bring the actual pig -- they went to a slaughterhouse and brought the meat of half a pig home. By the time they separated all the meat into packages to freeze it, the apartment was overtaken by the smell of raw meat.

  4. this is such a great idea! i love the shared cost and going halfsies (or rather, eigthsies) - has that community-Little House feel. did you notice the burgers cooked differently because they're grass fed? will we get finished burger photos?

  5. Yeah they did taste and cook differently. Very little fat came off them. The roast didn't turn out great but I dont think I cooked it long enough to really fall apart. Making a steak next week and well report and post.
