
2010-12-10 Sweet Herb

I'm loving the way the grocery store displays these beautiful herbs...

I'm getting into that holiday mood where I like to cook and want to make things I've never made. I've always wanted to grow herbs but my yard is just not conducive to the idea. I've only got space in full broiling sun or complete darkness and shade. No spaces with nice access to morning sun...there are just too many large trees on the property.

But I've always thought it would be amazing just just open the kitchen door to a small garden of herbs and select vegetables, but alas, it's not to be. I will be among the hordes at the grocery buying stalks of basil and rosemary for one dish, just to throw the rest of the package away. For this reason, I always cringe when the recipe calls for fresh herbs. I do hate to waste them.

Ah well, maybe I'll be a gardener at my next home.

On a sad note, today my friend's sister-in-law, whom I also knew well, died after a protracted battle with cancer. She was a beautiful lady, undeserving of her fate, and I hope she is now resting comfortably in eternal bliss. Godspeed to O.

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