
2010-07-23 Bubble Dinner

A group of us were supposed to go to the local theatre to see Footloose tonight...I was looking forward to watching an evening of brash young dancers breaking the shackles of the small town mentality, but the girl coordinating it didn't think there were enough people to get the group discount, so some of us just opted to take a run out to Captive for a dinner at the Bubble Room.

How can I explain the Bubble Room? It's kind of a kitchy place, where the theme is a cross between a collection of 30s to 50s memorabilia and Christmas stuff. Their servers are called "Bubble Scouts" (turn your sound off), and according to their website, they have something like 2,000 items on display.

The menu isn't large...there are about 10 appetizers, 10 entrees and 10 desserts...the food is decent in quality...not fine dining, but I think most people go because the desserts are good and it's fun.

My pick is always the Orange Crunch Cake, though many swear by the Red Velvet.

Anyway, it was a dark and stormy night, and the rain from Tropical Storm Bonnie was all around us that night. But hey, we Floridians...Tropical Storms are just minor annoyances...we enjoyed our evening, and left with cake. What more could we ask for?

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