
2010-06-25 Costume

I do enjoy my costume jewelry...

I don't own a lot of "real" jewelry. It's never been high on my want-list, but I do like to indulge in a few beads and shiny trinkets from time to time.

Today, I'm sorting through the piles in preparation for my trip to NJ next week. I have a goal to set up a real system for hanging up my earrings and necklaces. I'm thinking of something like this, which would hang over the door. Whatever it is, it's got to be better than just piling them into a ball and stuffing them in a drawer. OK, the research begins...

1 comment:

  1. god, i so have the same problem with storage but i'm afraid your solution link would be too much for me - like i wouldn't keep using it and my stuff would just end up balled up elsewhere. it's not the tool that would fix it, i'd need to fix me! argh!
