
2010-05-26 Rock Stars of Photography

Hi, everybody...this is Phil.

Phil is the SO of a friend of mine and a photographer and general "picture-taking rock star" who agreed to give a course to a bunch of us who are interested in learning more about our cameras. We spent a great evening talking about aperture, ISO, shutter speed and more...we looked at a lot of examples, too, which really helped.

Our friend Karen hosted this class at her catering place and served us delicious snacks...OH, the deliciousness of the snacks. I think my favorite was "coffee and donuts" - a little plate of savory cheese donuts which you can dunk into a demitasse filled with sliced beef in a wine demiglace. Wha'...cameras? Did someone mention cameras?

We looked at a lot of Phil's camera gear -- this grey lens weighs so much, I think I could only take one picture before my amrms collapse.

Great class -- lots of great new information. My thanks to Phil and Karen!


  1. what? how are there no photos of the 'coffee and donuts' - sounds so delicious!

  2. I know! I can NOT belive I didn't take pics of the food -- what a dope.

  3. but lucky you - perfect excuse to have it again!

  4. Wait, did I read this right? You dunked the donuts into a cup filled with sliced beef??

  5. LOL! Yes, Maria, but they were savory donuts -- no sweetness!
