
2010-03-20 The Juice

Today was our Junior League Kids in the Kitchen event. It's a half-day of events around educating children about making better nutritional choices in order to reduce childhood obesity. It's a national campaign and all the Junior League's have a similar event in their cities. Our was done at a local community center, and we had all kinds of tents where the kids got education about nutrition, got to make their own food, and there were also some exercise areas and a fun-run. It was really good.

It was a gorgeous day...and did I take a picture? No. Not one. I was so busy working my booth, I didn't event get one shot in. Thankfully, the News-Press came and sent a photog, who caught great shots of the kids. (I'm not in them! : ) )

My job was to work the Sun Harvest booth. (Pics 3, 38-44) We got tons of fresh oranges and these cute little orange straws called "Squeaters!" I used to use these all the time when I was kid...we had citrus trees in the backyard, and I could literally pick the plumpest fruits and pop the straw in and squeeze all the wonderful juice out.
Juice 3/20

Sun Harvest is a local company who produces and sells citrus and it's sooooooo good. They only sell fresh-squeezed and the taste is divine. They also do fresh juice blends, and my absolute favorite is cranberry-orange. When you do to the Sun Harvest store, the best thing is...the tasters! You can get a little cup and taste all their juices from big dispensers in the back of the store. YUM!

At the end of the event, I scored one of the remaining jugs and took it home. Plus I took an extra Squeater...just in case I feel live reliving memories of childhood.

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